Orders Management System

MyRestaurantTheme tutorials

The orders management system integrated into your MyRestaurantTheme powered website will always guarantee an easy overview of your live orders, where you can change their status, get payment info, and just basically always know what’s going on with the orders you’ve received through your restaurant’s online ordering system.

The changes you make in your orders management panel will automatically be reflected on your customers’ order status page as well, providing a very easy method of keeping your customers up-to-date on the status of their orders.

This video will show you how to use the orders management system of your website.

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Shopping cart overview

MyRestaurantTheme tutorials

Version 2.0 saw significant advances and new features in the shopping cart of MyRestaurantTheme.

We believe that MyRestaurantTheme boasts the most advance restaurant specific shopping cart on the Internet, which basically allows for advanced, yet intuitive administrative settings and of course, provides a seamless experience for your restaurant’s customers.

This tutorial will show you all of the features of the shopping cart as of V2.0. Everything is intuitive and self explanatory, but this video will give you an overview of the options available to you.

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Using Pinterest for Restaurants Infographic

Pinterest is still a relatively new player in the social game, but it has amassed a sizeable following very quickly, with no sign of slowdown.

What is Pinerest? It’s basically an image sharing website, where users “pin” images, and share them with their friends.

You know the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? That’s why Pinterest is huge! People love looking at pictures, and yes, pretty pictures of your restaurant’s dished, among other things, are great for pinning on Pinterest.

Let’s have a look at how restaurant owners can benefit from using Pinterest.

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