Update released: MyRestaurantTheme v2.3

We have just released the latest update to MyRestaurantTheme, bringing the latest version number to 2.3.
You might notice that we jumped over v2.2 in the public set of releases, this is because as we were about to release v2.2, WordPress upgraded to v3.5, which caused a lot of problems. Since v2.2 was a ready release, we thought it best to jump to v2.3.
V2.3 is a major release due to the changes required by WordPress 3.5, so we would recommend updating all theme files.
Beside the bug and compatibility fixes, we’ve also added several new features as requested by our customers, making our restaurant website solution even better and more intuitive than before. Please go to your members area to download the update, and read the details of the changes in the changelog file. Remember to look at the changes for both v2.2 and v2.3, since 2.2 was not a public release.
Read MoreMyRestaurantTheme Coupon Codes Don’t Exist
MyRestaurantTheme.com is an online business. As other companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, iTunes, etc., we also have an affiliate program, where website publishers can partner with us, and get commission for referring customers to our website.
A popular affiliate tactic of generating traffic to their website is to advertise themselves as offering My Restaurant Theme coupon or discount codes, since lots of people search for these terms in Google. These sites are deceiving, since once the page gets visited, you’ll notice that there are no coupon codes for MyRestaurantTheme.
We have not given out any coupon codes, and we are not planning on doing this in the future either.
Providing discount codes is not in our marketing strategy, we’d rather give the discount to everyone, not just a select few who find out about the code. The current discounts can be seen on our purchase page, and these discounts are available to everyone purchasing our product.
Again, we do not have any discount codes available, and we are sorry about the affiliates that advertise this. We will remove them from our affiliate program as we encounter them.
Read MoreOnline Restaurant Marketing Study

A joint research project carried out by the National Restaurant Association and LivingSocial provides some very interesting insight into how restaurants use online marketing methods, and how they are perceived by consumers.
The study was conducted in February 2012 via online (1,064) and telephone (425) surveys, sampling adults living in private households in the USA. You can download the full study here, including how restaurants use online marketing techniques.
After analyzing the results of the study, we found some really useful statistics that provide insight into the workings of the consumer, which we’d like to summarize below:
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