Welcome To Our Members Area
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1) OR current_user_is(s2member_level2) OR current_user_is(s2member_level3) OR current_user_is(s2member_level4) OR current_user_is(administrator)]
Hi [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME” /]. This is your account panel, where you can see any updates and what has been changed with each respective update. For any help, please refer to our support pages and theme documentation below.
Additionally, you can modify your account settings by scrolling to the “User Profile” panel at the bottom of the page.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level5) OR current_user_is(s2member_level6) OR current_user_is(s2member_level7) OR current_user_is(s2member_level8) OR current_user_is(administrator)]
Hi [s2Get constant=”S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME” /]. On this page you can download the MyRestaurantTheme files and PSD creatives. You’ll also see any updates and what has been changed with each respective update. For any help, please refer to our support pages and theme documentation below.
Additionally, you can modify your account settings by scrolling to the “User Profile” panel at the bottom of the page.
Version 2.6 Changelog
New features:
- Added 2 time slots to Business and Delivery hours
- Reservation page time pick has to be made manually
- Reservation available opening hours are modified to not show available hours of the current day that have passed
- Posts/pages “Sort Order” option removed, now any posts/pages/food items, etc. can be reordered on the default WordPress list by simple drag and drop. This allows eg. “Food Items” to be filtered to certain categories and custom sort ordering easily
- Added * wildcard option to Delivery Zip Codes
- Added option to set price font size on single food item pages
- Added i18n files for jQuery UI datepicker
- Added i18n files for Timepicker Addon
- Sharing a page via Facebook opens in popup to improve user experience
- Hide shipping address when takeaway is selected (in confirmation page, email, order view in back office)
- Hide state field for countries other than US and CA (in confirmation page, email, order view in back office)
- Reorganize checkout fields
- Keep value in fields when going back to checkout page (after clicking on “edit” in confirmation page)
- Fix delivery time. When the datepicker is translated to French, the delivery time was not properly saved. This was due to the method used to display dates in the theme : strtotime, which parse an English textual date into an Unix timestamp. The date was stored as “dd-M-yyy HH:mm”, like 24-Aug-2013 09:06 pm. If strtotime function can parse such an English date, it does work with non-English dates like 24-août-2013 21:06. According to PHP recommendations, strtotime should be used with ISO 8601 pattern “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm” to avoid potential ambiguity (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php). Datepicker and datetimepicker implementation was changed to add an ALT hidden field which will handle the right format to store.
- Added event archive page layout which is the format as the event aggregation page layout
Bug fixes:
- Special instructions field available for takeaway too
- Fixed apostrophe in reservation and order emails
- Fixed CSS combine options
- Fixed reservation page to disable form if closed
- No reservation can be made on closed days
- Fixed admin tabs to remember which tab was active after page refresh
- Fixed large number prices hanging out of price ribbon
- Chrome coupon printing issue
- Fixed negative numbers in the orders, so users can’t enter negative quantity
- Fixed ZIP code validation with spaces in ZIP code
- Updated Menucard widget
- Shopping cart plugin admin page “Currency Symbol Position” updated
- Fixed IE reservation opening times error
- Fixed delivery time field under Manage Orders->Export Orders
- Fixed malformed accented characters on homepage food titles
- Removed fading effect for PayPal error messages
- Removed “via” parameter from Twitter share button
- Fixed Cufon.refresh warning if not using Cufon
- Fixed translation string throughout the theme
- Updated localization strings
- Fixed order export delivery date
- Fixed reservation textarea width issue with larger fonts
Check changelog.txt for modified/new/deleted files.
New features:
- Added footer menu coloring options
Bug fixes:
- WordPress 3.7 menucard 404 not found fix
- Advertisement widget pagination fix when JS compression is turned on
- Default fontface selection fix
- Recommendation widget alt and title attributes added for lightbox
- jQuery backstretch include script updated
- Footer Cufon code include updated
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/css/screen.css
- myrestaurant/css/screen.m.css
- myrestaurant/core/types/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/skin.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/skin.m.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/head.d.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/common.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme-color.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme-font.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/header.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/footer.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/footer.php
- myrestaurant/core/widgets/advertisement.php
- myrestaurant/core/widgets/recommendation.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/optionGenerator.php
Version 2.52 changelog
Bug fixes:
- Event listing page pagination
- Fixed event calendar date link bug
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-event.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-event.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/common.php
Version 2.51 changelog
Bug fixes:
- Mobile checkout page’s date-time picker fixed
- Fixed menucard layout if category graphic is disabled
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/menucard.php
Version 2.5 changelog
New features:
- Open/close text modification on homepage menu
- Reservation to admin is sent from customer’s email, so they just need to hit reply
- Added option to customize text of the Read More button on slides
- Added special tax rate option for individual food items
- Added Gluten Free to food types
- Added option to turn on/off prices of upsell area and related items area
- Added option to enable/disable mobile version for tablets and smartphones separately
- If food items do not have images displayed, prices are aligned horizontally on the right
- Added option to make menucard pages 1,2,3 column globally
Bug fixes:
- Under Webshop Settings, renamed Email Settings to Messages Settings to reflect users can change email and store page texts and messages
- Modified Event List Widget to display time in am/pm format
- Fixed navigation menu sliding under footer if too long
- Shopping cart rewrite rules update
- Fixed saving of order note on admin view single order page
- If item is not deliverable, it will still be displayed on it’s category’s menucard page
- Fixed Google Maps shortcode enable popup toggle
- Import translation files earlier in code
- Fixed _x() to __() in some translated strings
- Removed customer information on order tracking page
- Added nofollow on order tracking page list
- Fixed number of widget areas in Appearance->Widgets based on how many footer columns user specifies in MyRestaurant Settings->Footer Settings
- Error messages do not hide on store pages, so users have enough time to read them
- Customized food type names appear on food aggregation admin page
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/css/screen.css
- myrestaurant/css/screen.m.css
- myrestaurant/js/custom.js.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_store.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_restaurant.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_product.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_general.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/types/gallery.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/types/event.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/types/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/types/slider.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/metaboxes/slider.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/metaboxes/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/docs/shop.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/docs/general.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/docs/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/common.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/mobile.php
- myrestaurant/core/widgets/event-list.php
- myrestaurant/core/widgets/gmap.php
- myrestaurant/core/shortcodes/gmap.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/themeGenerator.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/sidebarGenerator.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/template-functions.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/js/custom.js
- myrestaurant/menucard.php
- myrestaurant/menucard.m.php
- myrestaurant/core/theme.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/portfolio.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/slider.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/event.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/gallery.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/coupon.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/single-gallery.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/single-product.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/single.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-reservation.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-reservation.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/single-product.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/single.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/single-gallery.php
- myrestaurant/single-portfolio.php
- myrestaurant/languages/myrestaurant.mo
- myrestaurant/languages/myrestaurant.po
- myrestaurant/languages/myrestaurant.pot
- myrestaurant/core/admin/languages/myrestaurant.mo
- myrestaurant/core/admin/languages/myrestaurant.po
- myrestaurant/core/admin/languages/myrestaurant.pot
- ++myrestaurant/images/food-icons/glutenfree.png
Changelog for version 2.41
Bug fixes:
- Added @ to disable warnings for trim function on certain installs
- Fixed delivery hours and added capability to stay open past midnight
- Updated jQuery Cycle to 2.99
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/advertisementwidget.js
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore.php
Changelog for version 2.4
Bug fixes:
- Advertisement widget cycles automatically
- Order notification email currency display reset to 3 letter currency name instead of currency symbol, as symbols aren’t always displayed properly in some mail clients
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/advertisementwidget.js
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore.php
Changelog for version 2.3
New features:
- WordPress 3.5 Compatibility fixes
- Sortorder plugin fix for new warning in WP 3.5 -> missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare
- Updated event list widget thumnails’ hover state
- Added option to use hour display in AM/PM format
- Updated TimePicker script
Bug fixes:
- Event listing admin page showed thumbnails twice after 3.5 update
- CSS caching issue on checkout pages
- Fixed front page food type icons tooltip on front page
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/css/screen.css
- myrestaurant/core/functions/head.d.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/head.m.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/common.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_general.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/types/event.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/functions/head.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/types/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/sortorder/sortorder.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/css/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/css/datetimepicker.css
- yrestaurant/core/admin/assets/images/jqui/*
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js
- myrestaurant/core/admin/metaboxes/event.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/metaboxesGenerator.php
- myrestaurant/core/core/widgets/event-list.php
- myrestaurant/core/core/widgets/opening-hours.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/front-page.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/single-event.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/single-event.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-reservation.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-reservation.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/loop-event.php
- myrestaurant/loop-event.m.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/shortcodesGenerator.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/homepageShortcodesGenerator.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/template-functions.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore.php
- + myrestaurant/images/jqui/*
- + myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js
- – myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/jquery.ui.datepicker.js
- – myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/jquery-ui-slider.min.js
Changelog for version 2.2
New features:
- Added new Opening Hours Widget
- Added footer column layout options
- Added “New” category to food type icons
- Added tooltip to food type icons
- Added option to turn off takeaway option
- Made phone number compulsory on Delivery option page during checkout
- Checkout shipping fields show based on delivery option
Bug fixes:
- Menu card item alignment if there are no descriptions
- Footer area advertisement widget
- Fixed related/upsell thumbnails at 70px for layout consistency
- Fixed manage orders page quick edit order status
- Fixed 0 price showing when no image is set
- Google Maps fix if not online
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/header.php
- myrestaurant/core/theme.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/common.php
- myrestaurant/js/custom.js.php
- myrestaurant/js/tooltip.js
- myrestaurant/js/jquery.gmap.js
- myrestaurant/menucard.php
- myrestaurant/css/screen.css
- myrestaurant/css/screen.m.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/asian/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/classic/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/country/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/widgets/recommendation.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/advertisementwidget.js
- myrestaurant/core/admin/assets/js/advertisement.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/template-functions.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/js/store.js
- myrestaurant/core/admin/admin.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_general.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/options/theme_product.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/footer.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/single-product.php
- myrestaurant/core/types/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/metaboxes/product.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/head.m.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/head.d.php
- myrestaurant/core/admin/docs/product.php
- + myrestaurant/core/widgets/opening-hours.php
- + myrestaurant/images/opening-hours/*
Changelog for version 2.1
New features:
- Shipping option only checks for address/city/zip if home delivery option is selected, no check for takeaway
- If only 1 payment option selected, skip Choose Payment Method step
- Ability to add unique variations which users can only add once
Bug fixes:
- Delivery hours fix
- Reservation hours fix if closed
- Sidebar fix on shopping cart pages
- Menu card pagination fix – only menu cards with one food category are paged
- Homepage close button z-index fix
List of modified files for users who have already modified theme files:
- myrestaurant/style.css
- myrestaurant/functions.php
- myrestaurant/menucard.php
- myrestaurant/menucard.m.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-checkout.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/desktop/page-reservation.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-reservation.php
- myrestaurant/tpl/mobile/page-menucard.php
- myrestaurant/core/theme.php
- myrestaurant/core/functions/common.php
- myrestaurant/core/widgets/delivery.php
- myrestaurant/core/helper-scripts/sidebarGenerator.php
- myrestaurant/css/screen.css
- myrestaurant/css/screen.m.css
- myrestaurant/images/cart_loader.png
- myrestaurant/images/cart_loader_m.png
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/js/ajax-cart.js
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/template-functions.php
- myrestaurant/core/plugins/edcstore/edcstore-includes/plugin-gateway/manual-payments.php
- myrestaurant/core/themes/asian/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/classic/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/country/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/style.css
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/images/price_left.png
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/images/price_middle.png
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/images/price_right.png
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/images/original-images/price_left.png
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/images/original-images/price_middle.png
- myrestaurant/core/themes/modern/images/original-images/price_right.png
Changelog for version 2.0
Release notes
It is important that users upgrading from previous MyRestaurantTheme versions (1.x series) will have to set up several settings for proper functionality of the upgrade, please read this post for the details. It is highly recommended to replace all theme files with this update!
New features
- New shopping cart engine
- Added order management system
- Added price ribbon text size setting
- Added options to enable shortcode generator on all content types
- Added option to set Food Items per page on menu cards
- Added option to turn on/off slide titles in slideshow shortcode
- Added option to edit homepage menu title
- Added mobile homepage menu card category selector
- Added mobile custom homepage content editor
- Added mobile logo display option in header
- Added mobile search option
Bug fixes
- Shopping cart fixes
- Style fixes
- Fixed Slides admin page showing thumbnails in 2 sizes
- Fixed WP 3.4 upload “Cheatin uh?” bug
- URLEncoded Facebook share URL
- Fixed menu card pagination
- Fixed menu card display, if no image, display price if needed
Changelog for version 1.6
New features:
- Added Event List Widget
- TimThumb updated to latest version
Bug fixes:
- Admin typo fixes
- Shopping cart session update
Changelog for version 1.5
New features:
- Added input and textfield font color option
- Added reservation time to date on reservation confirmation emails
- Added option to disable home delivery for restaurants who only have takeaway option
- Added option to place currency symbol after price
Bug fixes:
- Twitter avatar images padding
- Main navigation menu drop down text overflow issue if text is too long. Added word wrapping
- Single food item price ribbon adjusts to food image width
- Shop/reservation confirmation email fix if multiple addresses specified
Changelog for version 1.4
Bug fixes:
- Checkout page full width layout fix
- Upsell/related items price ribbon offset fix
- If social sharing removed on all content types, array datatype warning fixed
- IE8 dropdown menu fix update
Changelog for version 1.3
New features:
- Ability to set Featured Header background color
- Added +/- buttons to Checkout Review Order page, so users can modify amounts before finalizing orders
- Checkout user information is stored in cookies so Name, Email, Phone, Address fields are remembered if user closes browser
- If user chooses Takeaway instead of Home Delivery, no Address field is required
Bug fixes:
- Homepage Featured slider pager removed if only 1 slide
- Category archive page displays all items from that Food Item tag
- Food item comments display bug fixed
- Related items Add to Cart button removed if item in not deliverable
- Internet Explorer 7 backward CSS compatibility fix
Changelog for version 1.2
Bug fixes:
- If homepage slider was turned off, but homepage menu was enabled, no menu pagination occurred
- Added fix for adding Cyrillic lettered items to cart
- Made checkout page Next/Previous/Finish button localizable
- Fixed width layout homepage background image repeat issue
- Mobile version contact info link alignment fix
Changelog for version 1.1
New features:
- Navigation menu positioning feature (align left/center/right)
Changelog for version 1.0
Initial release of MyRestaurantTheme:
- 4 theme variations
- Unlimited customization
- Home delivery system
- Reservation system
Tutorials and support
Also, have a look at these important tutorials on using MyRestaurantTheme:
User Profile
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2) OR current_user_is(administrator)]
Change PayPal recurring accounts
If you would like to change the account from which your monthly hosting fee is deducted, here is what you’ll need to do:
- Send us an email with your present PayPal email address and the new one, so we’ll know that you’ll be changing your payment source. This is very important, otherwise we might not notice the new payment source, just the deletion of your old one, and we’ll take your website off-line.
- Cancel your present payment profile on your PayPal account.
- Create a new payment source from your new PayPal account by pressing the button below:
[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”1″ ccaps=”” desc=”Hosted restaurant website” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”www.myrestauranttheme.com” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”34″ rp=”1″ rt=”M” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”default” output=”button” /]