Recommended update released: v2.53

We just released a recommended update, which fixes a bug introduced by the update to WP3.7. The bug caused all menucard pages to return a 404 page, so if you updated your WordPress core to 3.7, you must update MyRestaurantTheme as well.
Props to Tom, the teacher at this beginner guitar lessons site, for taking some time off teaching guitar and letting us know about the issue before the actual rollout of the updated WP.
Beside this very important fix, we’ve also taken care of a few smaller bugs, and added a new feature:
New feature:
- Added footer menu coloring options
Bug fixes:
- WordPress 3.7 menucard 404 not found fix
- Advertisement widget pagination fix when JS compression is turned on
- Default fontface selection fix
- Recommendation widget alt and title attributes added for lightbox
- jQuery backstretch include script updated
- Footer Cufon code include updated
Minor update released: v2.51

Hi there,
We just released a minor update which addresses 2 issues reported by our customers:
– CSS problems when category graphics were turned off
– The date picker not appearing in the mobile render of the site (a bug introduced in v2.5)
If you made the recommended update to v2.50, than please carry out this update as well. There were only a few modified files with this update, so if you already have v2.50, than it might be a good idea to just update these files, the list for which you’ll find in the changelog.txt file.
Read MoreUpdate Released: MyRestaurantTheme v2.5

We are happy to announce the release of the newest update to MyRestaurantTheme. Version 2.5 brings about several bug fixes, as well as many new features.
This is a pretty big release, with lots of fixes and features, meaning that a lot of the underlying theme files have been modified. If you choose to update by any method other than overwriting all theme files, please make sure you include all modified files.
As always, you’ll find the list of changed files in the changelog.txt file, as well as in your members area.
New features:
- Open/close text modification on homepage menu
- Reservation to admin is sent from customer’s email, so they just need to hit reply
- Added option to customize text of the Read More button on slides
- Added special tax rate option for individual food items
- Added Gluten Free to food types
- Added option to turn on/off prices of upsell area and related items area
- Added option to enable/disable mobile version for tablets and smartphones separately
- If food items do not have images displayed, prices are aligned horizontally on the right
- Added option to make menucard pages 1,2,3 column globally